22 Jun

Our Father that is in heaven – He is the creator, He has a universal plan of which you have a part to play. He is exalted. You are in the palm of His hand. He loves you with all His heart as a father. He has the best in store for you.

Let your name be exalted - In everything we do His name must be exalted. You must lead by example, people must see God through you. You must strive to live holy as He is Holy.

Let your will be done - You have to learn to let go of your will and let His will be done. Bring your thoughts and dreams in line with what He wants for your life. Bring your ambitions in line with what He want. Then you can prosper. God gave us a will and a choice, when we choose His will then He can do His part in the relationship. We have to understand that God cannot bless you if I don’t choose to live by His will.

Give me my daily bread – The Lord is teaching you to live day by day, that He will give you your daily bread. Literally He will provide food and necessities per day as well as the finances for your business needed daily. During my times of need He taught me what to do with money (don’t always stick to it but I try) I also learnt that He doesn’t always provide in the way we think and the time we think, His timing is best, He always do things with a plan – it is not always about me, there is sometimes a teaching moment God has for someone else and I am part of the plan. Through my financial difficulty He taught us as a family and especially my kids a few things on saving, sharing, necessities verses want’s, thanksgiving for what we do have and that God will provide, He taught us to have Faith, how to live in prayer, spend time with God, understanding, acceptance and to have patience in each circumstance, building relationship between us as a family.

Don’t’ lead us in temptation – Beware of temptation and don't fall for the enemies lies. He gave us the tools – His Word and prayer – to fight the enemies lies in our mind, how to renew our minds when fear sets in.

Forgiveness – Forgive the people in your life that has disappointed you or hurt you, that also haven’t lived up to your expectations, which nobody can since it is your expectation not theirs. Stay focused on God and build your relationship with Him daily. Ask forgiveness for your sins, thoughts and actions towards others and God. Forgive yourself for your shortcomings and to accept the things that you cannot change and to change the things you can.

Live everyday with this in mind!

With Love


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