24 Jun

I have come to realise the area in our lives we all struggle with is self-worth - who we really are!

From the beginning of time the enemy of our souls has been fighting against us, because he knows who we are. We are not crazy in our feelings of feeling unworthy, unseen, unwanted or unloved. We feel not good enough, we feel what we are doing doesn't really matter. We doubt in our dreams.

The enemy keeps us occupied in our minds full of doubt because he doesn't want us to know we are Greatly loved, Chosen, Wanted, has a mighty purpose and are worth fighting for. He knows that if we discover who we really are, we will start to live confidently, in faith. It would change our perspective and posture, our confidence. It will make us bold when we grasp and believe we are children of God, daughters and sons of a King. We will start living out our purpose which poses the greatest threat to the enemy's plan.

This week I was reminded, How we see ourselves is not how God sees us or even other people. God sees our potential, he sees our character. People around us sees our strength, our determination, our love, our fearlessness, our compassion, our striving heart. The enemy sees us as the greatest threat of all and uses ungodly people, our doubts, our insecurities to keep us from knowing and seeing the truth.

As God's children we are:

Psalm 112: Generous and lend freely. We conduct affairs with justice. We are righteous, we won't be shaken and we will be remembered forever. We will have no fear for bad news, our hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Our hearts are secure, we will have no fear. We will triumph in all that we do. We give to the poor. We will be filled with dignity.

Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in you book before one of them came to be."

Our only limitation is us, our thoughts, lack of knowing the truth and most of all if God is not in us, if we don't' have or build on our relationship with Him daily- learning who He is and who we are in Him. God is our defender, our healer, our provider. Our main purpose is building His Kingdom, spreading the word, restoring His people, where we are at this moment. And most of all becoming who He has created us to be.

Count your blessings, your strengths, you're spiritual gifts, your Godly character, make a list of them and think about each one in particular. See again how God has mercy on you and enriches your life. How he assists you, opens and even closes doors where necessary, goes ahead of you and smooths the way, put's people on your path at the right time. Provides you with your daily needs. 

We actually have so much in our lives to be thankful for. Believe who you are in Christ because God is faithful, honest and keeps His promises.

With Love


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